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© 1995-2025 LOGIZTIX

OR3GUN™ Instruction Sheets & Documents

This page is published to allow all OR3GUN customers convenient access to the latest Adobe PDF versions of our product instruction sheets.

Component File Description Link
MST-C Marine Spacer Tube - Competition
MST-M Marine Spacer Tube - Multi-Use
CFR-FF Competition Forearm Retainer - Field Fit
CFR-QR Competition Forearm Retainer - Quad Ready
CFR-SW Competition Forearm Retainer - Sporting
ECF-C Enhanced Competition Follower
ECF-F Enhanced Waterfowl Follower
CSP-C Competition Spring Plunger - Competition
CSP-M Competition Spring Plunger - Multi-Use
ASR-C Adjustable Spring Retainer - Competition
ASR-F Adjustable Spring Retainer - Field
EBR-M Enhanced Bolt Release - 930/935
CDA-C Cast/Drop Adapter - Competition
ASR-CSP-940 Competition ASR/CSP - 940
ETR-940 Enhanced Tactile Release - 940
EFR-940 Enhanced Forearm Retainer - 940
SS-OPT-FF3 Sight Saddle Optic Mount - FF3 (17-21)
SS-OPT-FF3-22 Sight Saddle Optic Mount - FF3 (2022+)
SS-OPT-RMR Sight Saddle Optic Mount - RMR
SS-OPT-SMS Sight Saddle Optic Mount - SMS

Due to the maze of ITAR and export regulations on firearm parts, ours are generally not available for sale outside of the United States. As most non-combat shotgun parts are exempt from ITAR and conform to the EAR99 caterory for export, we may begin selling specific combinations of our parts to customers in Canada and the United Kingdom as supplies become available. If you reside in one of these countries, please watch our site for updates.

Mossberg®, 930, 935 and 940 are trademarks of O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
OR3GUN™ and The OR3GUN Project™ are trademarks of Logistix Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.